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jueves, 9 de abril de 2009


Dear Intermediate Students,

Watch this sequence from the film based on the book and do the following activities:

1- Which book characters appear on this video shot? How can they be described?
2- Name all the animals that appear during this video
3- What happens with the teacher? How does he deal with this situation?
4- Which adjectives would you use to describe Gerry?
5- Which character do you like the most?

1 comentario:

Elena dijo...

Soy profesora de la EOI en Madrid y me gustaría saber a qué película haces referencia en esta entrada (no lo puedo abrir). Mis alumnos de Intermedio 2 van a leer el libro el próximo trimestre y estoy preparando actividades. Muchas gracias y ¡enhorabuena por el blog!